Wraparound care and After schools
At St. Francis PS we want to support our parents as much as possible, for this reason we established a Breakfast Club which allows parents to drop off pupils from 8am. Pupils can enjoy toast or a pancake and some juice/ water whilst playing with peers and enjoying board games, construction games, drawing or computer based-activities. It has proved a popular and useful facility for parents with primary and secondary-aged pupils who have simultaneous school drop-off times, as well as parents whose work starts early.
We are very proud of our ever-changing after schools programme at St. Francis' PS. Through it, we wish to give our pupils additional opportunities to build on the interests that they hold, or to explore something new to them as well as supporting parents with wraparound care.
In addition to the "123 Club" which operates Monday to Thursday and allows pupils from Primary 1,2 and 3 to remain in school, supervised by our wonderful teaching assistants, and engage in fun activities both outdoors and indoors we run a number of other afterschool activities.
We are fortunate to have a talented teaching staff who have offered activities including art clubs, science clubs, tin whistle class, Irish dancing and book club. Funds raised from these activities are used to offset costs for buses for trips, and purchases resources for pupils use e.g. novels and board games/ binoculars for pupil-led lunch time clubs such as Twitchers club and "We're not Board Club"
We have also partnered with super external coaches from Evo Soccer, Gary Feeney Gaelic and Burns Skills School to offer a strong and evolving programme of sports throughout the year, including Tag Rugby, Golf, Gymnastics, Multi-Sport and Basketball.
We hope our pupils and parents continue to find this part of our school provision enjoyable and useful.
St. Francis' Primary School Aghaderg, 24 Donard View Rd, Loughbrickland, Banbridge, County Down BT32 3LN | Tel: 028 4062 8044

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