2022/2023 School Year
24th May 2023
Volunteers from P7 tried their hand at bamboo painting, led by Hugo and Kirk from...
22nd May 2023
Congratulations to our P6&7 boys who competed in the Gaelic Blitz and qualified...
15th May 2023
Our fabulous coaches from Aghaderg GAC took our P3s and P2s for hurling/ camogie...
5th May 2023
P7 enjoyed a lovely ramble in Whyte’s Estate last week! They identified nooks...
5th May 2023
P7 have been experimenting with Pointilism to create their own masterpieces. I think...
2nd May 2023
Our local librarians are organising some fabulous events for this week and next,...
St. Francis' Primary School Aghaderg, 24 Donard View Rd, Loughbrickland, Banbridge, County Down BT32 3LN | Tel: 028 4062 8044

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