2022/2023 School Year
24th May 2023
Volunteers from P7 tried their hand at bamboo painting, led by Hugo and Kirk from...
22nd May 2023
Congratulations to our P6&7 boys who competed in the Gaelic Blitz and qualified...
15th May 2023
Our fabulous coaches from Aghaderg GAC took our P3s and P2s for hurling/ camogie...
5th May 2023
P7 enjoyed a lovely ramble in Whyte’s Estate last week! They identified nooks...
5th May 2023
P7 have been experimenting with Pointilism to create their own masterpieces. I think...
2nd May 2023
Our local librarians are organising some fabulous events for this week and next,...
5th Apr 2023
Our amazing School Council noticed that there was a fair bit of litter accumulating...
5th Apr 2023
Thank you to everyone who helped raise over £200.00 for Marie Currie.
St. Francis' Primary School Aghaderg, 24 Donard View Rd, Loughbrickland, Banbridge, County Down BT32 3LN | Tel: 028 4062 8044

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